DIY your own Scrunchies
Make yourself a cute DIY scrunchie ideal for any season !
This scrunchie is designed to be made from scrap and left over fabrics. You can also use thrifted garments or bedsheets.
Cut out 1 strip of fabric which is 4" wide x 20" long
Cut a piece of 0.25 elastic at 8" long .
With right sides together, pin down long edge of strip. Sew this seam at 0.25"
Using a loop turner, turn your piece out the correct way. Iron piece flat with seam on the edge, be careful not to iron over your already ironed up edges.
Thread elastic up through fabric tube and pin down at one end. Use the loop turner to go up inside the tube and hook the other end of the elastic, pull through and pin both ends of elastic together.
Overlap ends of the elastic by 0.50 and use a zig zag stitch to secure elastic ends or make a knot.
. Push raw edges of fabric tube inside and overlap one edge of the tube as shown. Sew down, securing both ends of tube and elastic inside.
All Finished!
Now go and make your is easy.